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Digital solutions
based on human

Without people, technology solves nothing. We match technology with people's needs and create digital solutions that make sense, are easy to understand and use.

Get to know us

We believe that it takes more than technology and coding skills to develop digital solutions with business impact. Among other things, the ability to listen to and understand the people who will use the solutions. This is our approach to digital solutions.

Do You Have a New Idea or Existing Product to Improve?

Our experts from different fields collaborate with yours throughout the product lifecycle. Solving the right problems for your target audience by designing and building the products in an agile and scalable manner.

Learn more

No matter how good digital solutions are, they will fail if none understand to use them

Only every third digital solution delivers the value that was promised. It is not a lack of good intentions that it is mad about. It's more the lack of interaction with those people and that organization that will use the solution. We believe that magic occurs in the meeting between people and technology.

Human understanding

Human Understanding Business Impact Digital Solutions x =
  • Asks and listens to users
  • Involves ambassadors in the process
  • Continuous onboarding of the solution
  • Efficient work processes
  • High employee satisfaction
  • Redeems business potential
  • Experience of coercion
  • Users do not understand the product
  • The solution creates dissatisfaction
  • Waste of time and resources
  • Inefficient work processes
  • System manager and employee flight
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Solutions that solve real problems

Case 1 Case 2 Media Monitoring

One of the most frequent reasons why digitization fails is that we underestimate human aspects of IT projects