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Human Understanding is the foundation to success with digitization

Our approach is to develop digital solutions that are based on "Human Understanding". It's easy enough to say - but what do we really mean with it?

What is Human Understanding?

Human Understanding is about understanding the interaction between people and technology. What happens when technology and people meet? How do we get people and technology to play optimally together?


How people meet technology?

We humans have different needs, feelings, attitudes and experiences, which affect the way we encounter, use and experience technology.

For some, the technology can never be new enough, while others prefer to use the solutions they know and are comfortable with.

With Human Understanding, we put people at the centre. Regardless of your situation, we focus on understand and listen to the employees who must apply the solution. 

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How technology meets people?

A technical solution can, on paper, fulfill all the requirements that were intended - but in the meeting with people, it can fail if it has been developed without understanding the people who must use the technology.

Few technical solutions are self-explanatory and when dealing with people, they risk failing if change management, onboarding, training and support are not part of the solution.

Should we help you get the most out of your IT solutions? 

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The process that ensures human understanding

In WiselyBuilt, we work purposefully towards integrating human understanding in all our projects. Regardless of the situation you and your organization are in, we have human understanding with us all the way - this ensures that we have you and your employees with us from start to finish. 



Perhaps you already know which technology you want to implement, but you want to ensure that the chosen solution both fits the business, solves your challenges and takes into account the employees who need to use it. But how should you go about it? And what is really important to your employees? 


You are ready to implement a new solution in the company. Maybe you are already well underway? You want to involve your users in the process, but where do you start? And How do you ensure that users adopt your solution? We help you to achieve a successful implementation, where we take the users by the hand - all the way. 


When you have reached the goal of your digitization, we will make sure to follow up on the process and ensure that everyone is on board. What do users say? Are they satisfied? Everything works as it must, or is there something teasing? 

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Why digitization goes wrong?

We find that many digitization projects often start from the technology and the technical aspects of the project. User needs, perceived challenges and how these must play together with the technology identifysofte only when the technical decisions have been made. That is too bad. In particular, 70% of all digital solutions* do not reach delivers the expected value.  

Cause 1 Resistance to change Cause 2 Low user adoption Cause 3 Employee involvement Cause 4 Unclear communication

Cause 1

Resistance to change 

Most people are opponents of change. The idea that there if something happens other than what you are used to, it can create uncertainty, lack of clarity and insecurity. On In the workplace, digitization and the implementation of new solutions can create uncertainty about what happens to the employees, their tasks and their jobs. Without attention to the importance of the change for the individual employee, resistance will increase, regardless of how good the solution is.

Cause 2

Low user adoption

5 out of the 10 biggest challenges in implementing new IT systems are due to a lack of user adoption. If the employees do not see the value in the solution, they want less degree apply it in their work. No matter how good the solution is, it is only as good as the people using it. 

If you want your employees to not only use a new technical solution, but actually adopt it, it is important to clarify the value, give the right amount information and help employees get to know the technology.

Cause 3

Employee involvement

In many digitization projects, the focus is on the technical solution and its contribution to the business. Unfortunately, the tendency is that the people who have to use the solution, most often getting involved too late and too little. For this reason, employees will feel that the technology is being pushed down on their heads.  

Cause 4

Unclear communication

Communication is essential for a successful implementation. If you want to involve others in the process, you need to make that clear,  why digitization is happening, what will happen, when it will happen and who will be affected.  

Clear communication about purpose, progress and expectations can eliminate resistance and increase the success rate of digitalisation.  

At WiselyBuilt, we put people and technology side by side. Our goal is to develop and deliver technical solutions that users use because they want to - and not because they have to.

Does that make sense to you? Give us a call.