It must be built Wisely
Digitization is not just about building digital products – but about ensuring that we actually work to help people solve real problems.
Digital solutions based on human understanding
What do we mean by human understanding?
We believe that it takes more than technical skills to develop effective digital solutions. Among other things, the ability to understand the people who need it the solution. Therefore, we consciously work to integrate human understanding into our projects.
No matter how good the solution is, it will fail if none understand to use it
Only every third digital solution delivers the value that was promised. It is not a lack of good intentions that it is mad about. It is rather the lack of interaction with those people and the organization that will use the solution. We believe that magic occurs in the meeting between people and technology.
Human understanding
- Asks and listens to users
- Involves ambassadors in the process
- Continuous onboarding of the solution
- Efficient work processes
- High employee satisfaction
- Redeemer business potential
- Experience of coercion
- Users do not understand the product
- The solution creates dissatisfaction
- Waste of time and resources
- Inefficient work processes
- System manager and employee flight
Step 1
Clarification of needs
We start with an anthropological one examination of your organization. How is the situation? How ready for change are the users? How is the support from management? We talk to people, gather insights and comes up with a catalog of solutions.
Step 2
Project scope
We create an understanding of the scope of the project. We map and visualize. What does that entail? What are the financial frameworks? And we do a "Human IT analysis", where we examine what the project requires of human resources in the process.
Step 3
We go into development mode and build the solution. The team is put together based on a match between human resources. We continuously involve users and stakeholders in the development and ensure buy-in at all levels. Sprint by sprint, we build the solution onsite (or remote).
Step 4
We make the solution work in the organization. It is only when the users use the solution that it makes sense and has an effect. We are present during the launch. Onboarding takes place on different levels. We teach, support and make ourselves available - as needed.
Step 5
Follow up
We follow up continuously. Is the solution being used optimally? Are there user issues? Does the solution deliver the expected effect? We evaluate and rationalize. And we ensure ongoing onboarding of new users. It is an ongoing process that ensures maximum business impact.